Louis Marascalco
About Louis
Lee County Division President in Tupelo, Mississippi
How Can Your Expertise Help a Business?
Very simple. One, what we want to do is we want to let the individual know this is what we know about the industry. We’re a large corporation across the southeast footprint, and so we are in several market areas, and we see very similar businesses in those market areas. We can help them with trends. We can help them with being competitive. We can give them advice on what is working in certain restaurants or businesses or manufacturing companies and help them give a competitive edge. Then, we can sit there and really work the numbers for them and show them how that you can make that business efficient and profitable to the client and just be a resource for them.
What Makes Your Local Community Special?
I love Tupelo, Mississippi. The Tupelo spirit is not only embedded in the Renasant family, but it’s embedded so much in our community. We’re an area that reaches back and is very giving, not only to the Lee County market, but to our whole northeast market. Tupelo, it’s just got a feel of love and a feel of growth. Every day, I see new things beginning and starting in our area, and I’m so excited to be a part of this community.
Tell Us a Fun Fact about Yourself!
I’m Louis Marascalco, but a lot of my friends call me Louie, so my nickname is Louie. Back in college, I used to own and operate a hot dog stand in Oxford, Mississippi, so I’ve got a little entrepreneur in myself as well too that drove me into banking. So little fun fact for me.

Louis MarascalcoAddress
209 Troy Street Tupelo, Mississippi 38802NMLS#
(662) 680-1367