About Stacy
Senior Vice President and Director of Diversity & Inclusion in Tupelo, Mississippi
What Is Your Position at Renasant?
The important thing, I believe, is being a liaison for our employees. I have to advocate on their behalf. So whenever they're experiencing something, and they're not sure exactly who it is to go to, I can listen to those concerns and connect them with the appropriate persons or perhaps even provide the relevant solutions for them. With regards to diversity, our goal is to ensure that we're giving all people a fair opportunity for employment and for advancement. We want to have representation throughout our system. We truly want to be representative of the communities in which we're serving. So working personally with the employees, with the management and also with our applicants or those candidates who are seeking employment is what's going to enable us to build that diverse workforce that we desire.
What Makes Your Local Community Special?
What makes North Mississippi and even more specifically Houston special is, it's home. It's what I've known. I've grown up here. There are good people in the area and with being in a small town, you generally know most everyone. So the beautiful thing, in my opinion, even with my kids, is just knowing that someone can call me if there's ever a concern with them. They know who to reach out to, but I love the fact that we've got a great educational system. We also have a very low crime rate, and it's just a good place to be. A good placed to raise a family.
Tell Us a Fun Fact about Yourself!
Well, I like to eat my dessert first at dinner. This is my thought process. If you eat dinner first, you may not have room for dessert, but if you start with dessert first, you can have room for whatever dinner you choose to have.

Stacy CrowleyAddress
209 Troy StreetTupelo, Mississippi 38804
(662) 680-1302