Rebecca Rustin
About Rebecca
Vice President and Branch Manager in Grayson, Georgia
What is the biggest mistake you see customers make?
I think the biggest mistake customers make is not making a decision, putting it off, and waiting. Either they feel like they don't have enough information to make a decision, or maybe there's some fear around the decision. That's when they really need to sit down with a banker and let us help them work through that, so they don’t make a mistake or lose out because they missed an opportunity due to being afraid and waiting.
What Makes Your Local Community Special?
I love living in Grayson. It's a small town. It still has a small town feel to it, and we get to know people there. We have a lot of construction and a lot of growth right now, a lot of opportunities, and there's a lot of energy around the small town of Grayson right now. I really enjoy living here.
Tell Us a Fun Fact about Yourself!
When I was growing up, I was terrified of heights. I wouldn't even climb up on a ladder. I was really, really scared of heights, so my grandfather used to say that you need to face your fears. I took him at his word, and I decided I would take flying lessons. I had an opportunity to take a free first lesson, and the gentleman that took me up in the plane said, "I'll warn you now. Flying is a bug. It bites you. You'll never be happy on the ground." And he was right. After that first lesson, I continued with all the lessons and actually earned my private pilot's license, and I loved it, every minute of it.

Rebecca RustinAddress
2100 Grayson HighwayGrayson, Georgia 30017
(770) 822-6612